A cold spring:
the violet was flawed on the lawn.
For two weeks or more the trees hesitated;
the little leaves waited,
carefully indicating their characteristics. [...]
-- Elizabeth Bishop, from A Cold Spring
Today there was an abrupt change in the weather. Last week we were at the beach, and today, well, it was spitting snow. I lit a fire in the stove. It felt strange, as if we were thrust into a foreign country without traveling there. The wind was howling around the corners of the house. Poor Buttercup, cutting her third molar, had made for a long night for us all. I searched the house for strong tea or coffee and discovered I was out. The day was shaping up to be a failure. So Blueberry and I determined to search for an antidote to the cold and grumpy morning.
Here is what we found.
the violet was flawed on the lawn.
For two weeks or more the trees hesitated;
the little leaves waited,
carefully indicating their characteristics. [...]
-- Elizabeth Bishop, from A Cold Spring
Today there was an abrupt change in the weather. Last week we were at the beach, and today, well, it was spitting snow. I lit a fire in the stove. It felt strange, as if we were thrust into a foreign country without traveling there. The wind was howling around the corners of the house. Poor Buttercup, cutting her third molar, had made for a long night for us all. I searched the house for strong tea or coffee and discovered I was out. The day was shaping up to be a failure. So Blueberry and I determined to search for an antidote to the cold and grumpy morning.
Here is what we found.

Picture of a rocket ship headed to space.

Red striped straws contrasting with the pretty cup.

Blueberry's birthday cards still gallantly standing on the sideboard. Babar and pirate and ballerina and fairies being conspiratorial.

Finished birthday thank you notes.

Buttercup's first bowl of porridge.

Buttercup's enjoyment of said porridge. Mmmm!

Dressing Buttercup in a new silk before her bath.

Freshly washed pretty baby in a cheerful outfit.

Amazing-smelling stock from Nonni.

Buttercup's bright baubles.

Making lists in Mama's lovely Christmas journal with a good pen.

Making the perfect cup of maple hot cocoa.

And drinking it out of a spring-y mug.

Dancing silly to Elizabeth Mitchell while making dinner.

Brainstorming for craft ideas.

Delving into new birthday books.

Pajama dancing before bed.