Friday, February 8, 2013


My smart and sweet girl, this week:

-- You discovered that your new favorite word is "gusto." 

-- You made a plethora of Valentines with a deft hand and a storm of red glitter. You continue to impress me with your creativity and focus while completing projects. 

-- Your favorite story (redux) was Stuart Little. Favorite song, Suzanne by Leonard Cohen. 

-- You insisted on tasting sriracha. You were not a fan. But you do love sweet potato kale tacos. 

-- You danced with your little cousin Penelope. It was the sweetest thing ever. 

This week, Noodlebug:

-- Your new-found independence retracted slightly and you wanted to be held, rocked, snuggled, worn by either mama or daddy a lot. The push-me-pull-you of toddlerhood. 

-- Your favorite story (by far) lately is We're Going on a Bear Hunt. You almost have it memorized, clever baby. Favorite song, The North Wind Doth Blow. 

-- You got a "boo boo" by clunking into the table but you wore your shiner with pride. You are a tough bug. 

-- You continue to smoosh food in your hair at almost every meal, so your new hairstyle is a "top knot" and your head tends to smell like sunflower butter or tomato sauce or banana or cheese. I will probably tease you about this someday. 

-- You climb onto the stool in the bathroom to "washa hands" several times a day. It's really cute. 

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